Many people can a simple problem of tonsil stones for something other errors and is worried. All you do is simply get rid of relocation tonsilolith necessary to the problem. At the other extreme are the people who are not bothered about the bad air and the sticky feel and live with almond pieces, without treatment for each. Although this is not a life threatening problem, but it can cause a lot of confusion and unease.
There are many simple techniques tonsilolith DistanceYou can try in the comfort of your home. You do not need sophisticated dental equipment, do so. You can even try a simple technique using a damp cotton cloth. Use the wet wipes and apply little pressure squeeze-out of white / yellow color formation and cough it out.
Gargling with warm salt water can tonsilolith even at a distance. Warm water will soften the stones. After repeated exposure to hot water, the stones can be soft and you may be able to distribute them to those ofOnly cough. Of course, this technique will take some time to give you the desired results, but is much better for an operation.
Sometimes just sneezing, coughing or bending of the neck may help tonsilolith distance. When you sneeze or flex my throat is a little pressure in the tonsil crypt, the stone may force to be applied. This method only works if the stones are newly formed, soft and small.
For the removal of the tonsils stones larger size that you need moreadvanced techniques, which of course lead to results, for sure.
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