Regardless of whether you need to work the basic medical or complicated orthodontic dentistry, it is worth considering looking for a travel abroad for cheaper dental treatment.
Many people are prices in their own country, thanks to the steadily rising cost of dental insurance or the ongoing privatization of the industry. Medical tourism offers a helping hand by our people find affordable dental abroad.
Not many people are aware that there are countries that now specialize in the offerDental tourism to Western citizens who can not afford dental care in their country of residence. Since nearly half of U.S. residents has no health insurance that includes dental, medical tourism and dental practitioners who are abroad, as increasing numbers of foreign patients coming through the doors of their practice.
There are a number of fundamental reasons for the growth of dental tourism, price being the key, but explained that other reasonsbelow.
1. Save money
Price remains the main reason that people head abroad for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry. The credit crisis continues to make, sometimes close to consumers, but people are in a position of low-cost, but get the quality dental services to offer in all countries of the world.
Some countries are increasingly recognized as places to go for specialized dental treatment at relatively low prices. Estonia, Thailand and the CzechRepublic top the list of places to visit for dental work.
2. Shorter waiting times
Dental tourism has people benefit from shorter waiting times. A key complaint of dentistry in the West is that people are not in their dentist or orthodontist can get by month at a time can. Dental offices abroad provide medical tourists who are short notice periods, which are often of crucial importance if the patient is in a lot of pain to benefit from a dental complaint.
3. HighHigh-quality care
Visit to the dentist is never a farmer if the patient experience and care about the quality of treatment and care, their stress are far too high. One gets the impression that the quality of care and facilities abroad may not be the standard that they are in the West, but this is incorrect. Dental clinics in Prague, Bangkok or Tallinn are as professional as operations throughout the United States or Britain. They are subject tothe same international standards and regulations as their Western colleagues.
4. The chance of a holiday
One of the best ways of dealing with the stresses of the trip is to make your visit to the dentist in a vacation. They are most likely to see a city you're not going to attend so why not a trip, and enjoy it.
5. Operations and equipment
Many dentists now practice committed abroad, their education and dentalEducation in western countries, very often in the U.S. or Britain. As a result, they have been used very familiar with the standards for appliances and tools that are affected Western patients and expect.
6. Insurance Offers
Insurance companies are quick capture that medical tourism is here to stay, so their policies into line with the requirements of the customers to cover the treatment abroad. This also applies to dental work done overseas, so it pays to ask yourInsurer if your policy can be adjusted.
7. A variety of methods available
The visitors almost every procedure that you would expect to find to find a dentist in other Western countries, but at a fraction of the price. Whether you are making Bridge work, white fillings, cosmetic surgery or anything else needed, you have to be able to find them in a dental practice abroad.
8. Dental Tourism Package Tours
To reassure the medical tourist companies offer package toursto take in all elements of the dental trip. You can book an agency for flights, hotels and of course have the dental treatment you carried out. The package will most likely cost less than the work back home alone.
9. Flights
Low-cost airlines and the opening up of borders within and outside the European Union mean that it is easier than ever to get away and have some dental work done abroad. Countries which enjoy great reputationValue for money dental care, such as Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary now easier to reach than ever before.
10. Better Service
Customer service levels are top class in the majority of dentists who accept medical tourists as patients. Many people who have seen a dentist abroad and had to report the work carried out that they have received more than satisfied with the level of customer service it.
I run a British dental clinic abroad in Piestany spa, Slovakia ( and can certainly say that Brits going abroad for dental treatment such as crowns and dental implants is a fast growing trend here in Europe. Not only to save money and time but also to receive access to some of the most experienced dentists within the European Union.
ReplyDeleteSome very interesting points made. I read at that something like 2.5 million people search the Internet
ReplyDeletefor dental treatment abroad. In some instances (just across the border in Mexico), it is dramatically less expensive to have braces fitted, at least according to the numbers cited at
Anyway, very interesting.