Friday, October 23, 2009

Invisalign - The Invisible Braces Option

How does Invisalign work?

The system consists of clear aligners that you replace wear all day, every day, and then approximately every two weeks. Each aligner is manufactured with the exact measurements of your teeth, then tailored to fit your mouth. As you replace each aligner with a new clear, your bite and are guided step in the right place with gentle pressure from the fans. To create your perfect smile, your dentist will use computer imaging to create theInvisalign plans and take bite impressions of your mouth. The number of subjects you during your Invisalign orthodontic treatment is required depends on the size of your dental problems.

The Invisalign Dental Systems also offers improved oral hygiene on metal brackets. Then you can remove the brackets, you can simply brush and floss your teeth, the elimination of problems caused by metal brackets, when food occurs between brackets and wires and trappedleads to decay and staining.

What problems can treat dental Invisalign?

Orthodontic problems can be overcome by a series of questions that are caused eg, poor oral hygiene habits, genetics, jaw problems, questions such as teeth grinding (bruxism) and periodontitis. Invisalign ® can treat a variety of dental conditions, such as overly crowded teeth, gum inflammation, wry, gaps between the teeth, abrasion of teeth and bone loss.

The cost ofInvisalign

Invisalign costs more than other types of brackets, and these costs vary depending on how much your treatment will require clear trays. Some types of dental insurance may cover your orthodontic treatment, and in many cases, the insurance coverage for Invisalign out that the same as it is for traditional metal braces.

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